Recording location : Zeeland Concert Hall, Middelburg
Recording , music direction : Jakko van der Heijden
Recording dates : September 21 and 22, 2013
Piano technique : Joost van Hartevelt, de Hamernoot
With an introduction to: Maria Josephina Mignone
Biography of Francisco Mignone by Marcel Worms
Linernotes: in English and Dutch
Marcel Worms – piano
- Complete Valsas chôro 1-12, listen to 30-second samples: one , two and three
- Cataretê
- Dansa do Botocudo, listen to a 30 second sample
- Complete Valsas de esquina 1-12, listen to a 30 second sample
- Tango, listen to a 30 second sample
- Marvadinho (Tango)
- Congada, listen to a 30 second sample