Piano Works by Jewish Composers 1922 – 1943

Recording location : Zeeland Concert Hall, Middelburg
Music direction : Jakko van der Heijden
Recording : Jakko van der Heijden, Concert Studio (Middelburg)
Editing : Jakko van der Heijden
Recording dates : December 15,16 2019
Piano : Steinway D
Piano technique : Joost van Hartevelt, de Hamernoot, Middelburg
Linernotes : Marcel Worms
Translation : Elizabeth Gaskill
Design : Meeuw
With many thanks to: Hotel aan de Dam in Middelburg Sybil Urbancic, Sena Performers Muziekproductiefonds, Lexhanna Stichting

1.Szymon Laks (1901 – 1983)


2.Dick Kattenburg (1919 – 1944) – Novelette (1941)

3.Paul Hermann (1902 – 1944) – Toccata (1936)

4.Mischa Hillesum (1920 – 1943)  – Prelude nr.1 (1939/40)

5.Nico Richter (1915 – 1945)Sonatina(1934)

6.Erwin Schulhoff (1894 – 1942) 

Optimisticka Skladba and Ceskym Deliníkûm (1936)*

7.Viktor Urbancic ( 1903-1958) – Sonatina in G (1922)

8.Gideon Klein (1919 – 1945)Sonata (1943)

9.Leo Smit (1900 – 1943) – Deux Hommages (1928 – 1930)

-à Sherlock Holmes

-à Remington 

10.Mieczyslaw Weinberg (1919 – 1996) – Sonata nr.1 (1940)

*Optimististic Composition and March of the Czech Working Men