The Belgian composer Stéphane Vande Ginste wrote a ‘Valse lente‘. a slow Waltz, on January 1 2018 and decided afterwards to compose a variation on this Waltz every week the whole year long. After having composed 50 Variations he finished the work during the last week of the year with the reprise of the original Waltz. The result is an eclectic work in which jazzy variations, Habanera, Elegy and Fugue alternate effortlessly with numerous crossovers of modern-classic and more popular music.
The piece has been dedicated to the French pianist Stéphane Taniel as well as to Marcel Worms. On October 18 2020 Marcel premiered the piece (duration ca. 50 minutes) at the Cultural Centre of Schoten, near Antwerp, in the presence of the composer.
As an appetizer you can listen to ‘La plus que lente’, a slow waltz by Claude Debussy.
The links to Marcels YouTube Channel, that will enable you to listen to the livestreamings, are as follows:
The link to the first livestreamconcert (11:00 a.m.) is
The link to the second livestreamconcert (8:00 p.m.) is
Information about the composer,Stéphane Vande Ginste, at
1.Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918) – La plus que lente (1910)
2.Stéphane Vande Ginste (*1971) – 50 variations on a Valse lente (slow waltz)(2018)
Theme: Valse lente
Variation 1: Scorrevole
Variation 2: Lento cantando
Variation 3: Grazioso
Variation 4: Allegro ritmico
Variation 5: Lento, molto rubato
Variation 6: Tempo di Habanera
Variation 7: Molto ritmico
Variation 8: Adagio misterioso
Variation 9: Molto allegro
Variation 10: Cantando
Variation 11: Easily
Variation 12: Lento, molto tristamente
Variation 13; Impetuoso
Variation 14: Con vigore
Variation 15: Religioso
Variation 16: Allegro burlesco
Vartiation 17: Quieto
Variation 18: Fugato
Variation 19: Dancing
Variation 20: Broad, singing
Variation 21: Lento espressivo
Variation 22: Tempo di Valzer
Variation 23: Molto allegro
Variation 24: Andante cantabile
Variatie 25: Vivace
Variation 26: Andante, poco rubato
Variation 27: Poco allegro
Variation 28: Molto tranquillo e rubato
Variation 29: Allegro con fuoco
Variation 30: Maestoso
Variation 31: Lento misterioso e rubato
Variation 32: Dancing
Variation 33: Andante rubato
Variation 34: Largo
Variation 35: Scherzando
Variation 36: Quasi recitando
Variation 37: Allegro giocoso
Variation 38: Lento misterioso
Variation 39: Presto
Variation 40: Tristamente, in memoriam Elvira Schabon
Variation 41: Molto rubato
Variation 42: Capriccioso
Variation 43: Un poco scherzando
Variation 44: Lento lugubre
Variation 45: Andante cantabile
Variation 46: Presto
Variation 47: Quasi recitativo, molto rubato
Variation 48: Giocoso
Variation 49: Maestoso
Variation 50: Molto cantando
Recapitulation of the theme: Valse lente